Frequently asked questions
All that’s required on your side is integrating our tag on your pages. It is fully asynchronous, non-blocking, and extremely light. Integrating it requires zero engineering work if done via a tag manager such as Google Tag Manager or Tealium, or a couple of hours a work to drop our JS directly on your page. Once our tag is on your page, we do the rest with no additional work required on your side: we build a custom model, deliver the predictions back to your site in real time, and send the predictions into the appropriate systems and workflows for activation.

The AIQ AI tag is fully asynchronous and non-blocking. It’s extremely light (less than 10KB zipped) and optimized for minimal thread usage. Finally, it’s a one-time download, thereafter it is cached client-side in the browser — minimizing additional requests.

We only use your first-party data — from your users and how they behave on your site. We don’t use any third-party or network data. We do this for three reasons: 1. It’s sustainable. In a world of GDPR, CCPA, iOS14, and cookie-less Chrome, solutions and products built on top of first-party data are sustainable. 2. It’s customer safe. We don’t require tracking users as they browse the web in order to make high quality predictions. 3. It’s powerful. The strongest signals come from how a particular user behaves on your site, not on what he or she may do elsewhere on the web.

No. AIQ AI predictions are made entirely using our partners’ first-party data. We don’t use any third-party or network data.

We do to this for three reasons:

1. It’s sustainable. In a world of GDPR, CCPA, iOS14, and cookie-less Chrome, solutions and products built on top of first-party data are sustainable

.2. It’s customer safe. We don’t require tracking users as they browse the web in order to make high quality predictions.

3. It’s powerful. The strongest signals come from how a particular user behaves on your site, not on what he or she may do elsewhere on the web.

If SageMaker, Dataiku, and Data Bricks are hammers, AIQ AI is an entire house.

Those products are suites of tools that allow organizations to build their own, in-house, ML solutions. They enable data scientists, data engineers, and analysts to experiment, build and deploy models, and generate predictions. Making effective use of these platforms requires material investment: staffing up a team of experts to make use of the tools, structuring and normalizing data, determining what predictions to make and what business problem to solve with them, and then iterating and experimenting. They are the hammer.

AIQ AI takes all of that work away, and replaces it with a plug-and-play platform that delivers custom predictions in real time, on every page load, in milliseconds. We handle data normalization and structuring, model training and performance, daily retraining, and more. We provide guidance on how to deploy those predictions to drive real-world benefit, based on our years of experience with over 300 ecommerce partners. Our predictions are untethered to any single system or platform, and can be integrated anywhere. It’s the full house!

The price you’ll pay is driven by the volume of predictions we deliver. For all but our very largest partners, our annual pricing is substantially less than the cost of a single data scientist.

Don’t leave profitability to chance